Covid Keeps

Aug 05, 2021


“If I hear the word ‘new-normal’ again I’m going to lose it” is the expression that many employees have told us over the past 12 months.  However,  while the phrase may be frustrating for many, the continual changing of the goal posts are testing our ability to adapt. We appreciate that for many, the pandemic has allowed some new challenging habits to form, there have also been some positives too. 

‘Covid-keeps’ are defined as habits that we have built during lockdown that we don’t want to lose.  This may have included new walking routines, eating schedules, yoga stretches,  mind-time and much, much more.  All of this is great but as we gear-up to the next covid-chapter it is useful to plan which habits we would like to keep.

So let’s look at a few examples. If you have developed a walking habit, perhaps a couple of times in the day it may be hard to spontaneously fit this in when you are at...

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