Could we become as adaptable as COVID-19?

Dec 22, 2020

We’ve all learned a lot about viruses in the past year, probably more than we ever thought we would need or want to know. The interesting thing that we are noticing now, particularly in the UK, is the emergence of a new mutation of Covid-19. 

So what can we learn from Covid-19 that we can apply to our lives? 

Adaptation helps survival!  The virus replicates itself so often that it makes small errors or mutations in its’ genetic blueprint. Sometimes these lead to disadvantages (decreased contagiousness) and other times these lead to advantages (increased contagiousness). Naturally, the disadvantages die out whereas, in this particular case the mutation has led to the increased speed of spread so the virus can infect more people more quickly; a significant advantage.

How can we adapt like a Coronavirus? 

Now unlike Covid-19 we aren’t able to keep replicating our DNA and hope that one of those mutations leads to an advantage, this...

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