Five new year resolutions that will make a meaningful difference to employee wellbeing

As we step into the New Year, many organisations are thinking about what lies ahead and how to make their businesses even more successful in 2023. While we may often think of success purely in terms of profit margins, there are numerous other areas that dictate how successful the business really is, including innovation, recognition, reputation, customer satisfaction and staff morale. The most successful organisations recognise that employees are the driving force of a business and research shows that businesses with happier staff are more productive, more efficient and more effective. This naturally results in higher quality work being produced and ultimately more business being done.  

So what can leaders, team managers and those responsible for people, do to make a meaningful difference to employee wellbeing and happiness? Here are 5 simple steps, and it is as easy as ABC, (not forgetting D and E!)

Aligned thinking - When there are clear objectives, this creates a strong sense of synergy between managers and staff regarding targets and goals, and happiness and high-performance thrive. Take time at the start of the year to make sure everyone is on board and rowing in the same direction to help create a cohesive workforce. Once staff are clear which direction they are going, then they are able to push ahead and tackle any challenges collectively along the way. And don't forget to regularly review the year's goals and continually check back in to keep everyone focused. 

Burnout - With the continuation of hybrid and remote working, it is becoming more difficult to spot the non-verbal signs of burnout. Stay alert to colleagues who are burning the candle at both ends and make it your goal to schedule regular check-ins. Your colleagues wellbeing needs will be as diverse as each individual, so make a concerted effort to find out how you can support them. If they are clearly overworking and are overwhelmed, try and take some of the strain off. Help them plan their work more with realistic goals and deadlines.

It is important to make sure your team feels psychologically safe to discuss their wellbeing with you, and that you recognise they are working hard. However, you shouldn’t be their only port of call for wellbeing support. Hold team workshops on stress and burnout, so that every employee knows the signs and can offer a helping hand if they notice a colleague struggling. 

Continue reading this article over at Entrepreneur Middle East.

Author: Dr. Adam Greenfield | Co-founder of WorkLifeWell | Doctor of Chiropractic | Wellness Specialist

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